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Plum Interest - Fees
Updated over 8 months ago

When you invest with Plum Interest, there are two types of fees involved: the Blackrock Fee and the Plum Fee. Here’s a breakdown of each:

Blackrock Fee:
0.10% of the fee goes to Blackrock, the manager of the investments behind Plum Interest. This fee is automatically deducted from your investment.

Plum Fee:
The Plum fee depends on your subscription plan:

  • Plum Basic: 0.62%

  • Plum Pro and Ultra: 0.15%

  • Plum Premium: No Plum fee

For Plum Basic, Pro, and Ultra, the fee is deducted from your Primary Pocket on the first day of each month, based on the total amount of your Plum Interest. The monthly fee is calculated by dividing the annual fee by 12.

Premium users are excluded from the Plum fee and only pay the Blackrock fee (0.10%) for the management of the investment.

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