The Slow & Steady Fund aims for income and growth through a diversified portfolio of roughly 20% equities and 80% bonds, primarily investing in Vanguard indexes while considering direct investments. Holdings include UK and non-UK company shares, including emerging markets, Sterling, and non-Sterling bonds. Typically, the UK represents a significant portion of investments. The Fund generally stays fully invested, holding minimal cash except during exceptional market or political conditions, when it may temporarily deviate from its strategy.
Provider: Vanguard Investments UK, Limited
Fund Name: LifeStrategy® 20% Equity Fund (VGLS20A)
Assets: Bonds 80%, Equities 20%
Key Investor Information Document: Document
Risk: 4/7 according to the industry standard
Investment Goal: Long-term, 3 years or more
Below, you can see the past performance of the fund. Please note that the past performance is not a reliable indication of future performance. Capital is always at risk.